Why is when kids have all the toys in the world, they'd rather play with a box? Seriously, I've spent thousands of dollars in toys, paints, glitter, books, movies, etc., only for Jackson to say, "I'm bored."
I had a candle party a couple weeks ago and when my delivery came, I emptied the box and left it on the living room floor. The boys discovered it and it quickly became the greatest thing they've ever seen. Jackson got out pencils and markers coloring headlights on it. Cole got into it and would let Jack push him off the couch onto the floor like a slide. They fought over, they watched TV in it. When they would wake up, they would race each other to the living room to see who could get it first! I mean...it's just a box! It seemed to open up a whole new world of imagination to them-it was incredible! So, this got me thinking. Christmas is around the corner, so I think I'll just save my money and get them a really BIG box, a wooden spoon, and a bucket of dirt and see where that takes them!
Yes, they are amazing!! And Hobby Lobby has learned they can capitalize on this fascination. Last year Santa brought Owen a "castle box". It was a HUGE cardboard piece that, when assembled, made a castle. It was white with "bricks" drawn on it, and it even had cardboard turrets. And wouldn't you know, that most inexpensive present brought that kid (and daddy and mommy) more hours of coloring, imagining, and dragon-playing than anything else he got that year. As a matter of fact, I think this year Santa will be bringing another castle and a house!